Friday, July 12, 2013

The Master Builder - cont'd from "Looking Back on the Journey, of a building"

Continued from July 10th post... "What effect can a building have on the people moving in and out of it?  Before I begin to reflect on the pulse of this new space, I would first like to take you back to a time of prayer and faith sharing before a building was born.

September 14, 2009 - The Master Builder by Pastor Greg
"Though every house is built by someone, the builder of all things is God" - Hebrews 3:4

This is our theme verse for our capital campaign.  It is an exciting reminder of the three years of prayer, planning and discernment that has brought us to this milestone in God's mission at Grace.  The verse tells us two very important facts about our ministry and this capital campaign.

First, we have a hands-on role.  You and I are the faithful disciples who literally and physically do the work of God.  Each of us employs our experiences, skills and faith in doing God's ministry.   In our unique ways, we shoulder a portion of the work of God's ministry at Grace.  It is in generously sharing our time and resources that we will complete the projects before us.

Secondly, we are reminded that it is God who is at work in and through us.  We might be doing the physical labor in our many ministries, but it is God, through the power of his Holy Spirit dwelling within us, who directs all our work.

As we boldly launch forth to fulfill our congregational vision, I firmly believe that God is and has been at work in each disciple at Grace.  God has given us a common purpose, core values, mission, and goals.  God has brought forth gifted leaders at every step to accomplish His purpose for us.

God is calling you to share in building his kingdom here and now.  What are the blessings you have to generously share as you help build not only our buildings, but God's ministries at Grace?

PRAYER: Loving God, thank you for calling and gifting us to build and extend your kingdom.  Strengthen our faith and fill us with zeal as we offer ourselves and all that we have for your purposes.  Amen.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


In May 2007 goals were put into place and by January 2011 a new building was completed; ready to embrace the growth of Grace Lutheran Church in Hendersonville, NC.

The fund-raising campaign called "God's Plan - Our Hands" produced a devotional booklet during the months of September & October 2009, just prior to the December ground-breaking ceremony.  Though there were well laid-out plans and a detailed design for all to review; it must of been a bit more difficult to truly imagine what would become of this new space.  How would this tool for the ministry that God calls us to undertake work?  What effect can a building have on the people moving in and out of it?  Before I begin to reflect on the pulse of this new space, I would first like to take you back to a time of prayer and faith sharing before a building was born.

 September 13, 2009 -  Blessings in Abundance... by Pastor Greg
"God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work." 2Corinthians 9:8

Since my wife and I began tithing (over 25 years and 2 children ago) I have learned the truth of Paul's words to the believers in Corinth.  Certainly we made some choices based on the priority of our faith, but our children have done well thus far without a vacation to Disney World or all the latest video games or a new car when they turned 16 - items that society would have us believe are essential for American children.

During lean years, with two small children and only one income, we persisted in our spiritual discipline of tithing.  As time progressed, we were able to also make contributions to other charitable causes important to us.  Today, we rejoice to have made a commitment to "God's Plan - Our Hands" capital building campaign on top of our regular tithe to Grace and in addition to our other charitable giving. taught us about His provision early in seminary when our apartment rent was graciously waived... when a member of our home congregation sent us a gift of $1,000 shortly after our first child was born...  when we learned that insurance coverage overlapped and we received a refund from the hospital where our daughter was born.  God taught me to be faithful in following His call.  Together with our spiritual discipline of tithing, God has shown me how He provides blessings in abundance beyond what shows up in my bank account:  a loving wife, faithful children, caring friends, and a zealous congregation.

God provides enough of everything and THAT makes it easy to be generous with my time in ministry and generous in supporting God's mission at the most Spirit-empowered congregation that I have been blessed to serve.

PRAYER: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in us the fire of your love that we might trust totally in your abundant blessings and share generously for the sake of your mission through Grace; through Christ our Lord. Amen.